WISE management platform
What is the WISE platform?
WISE is a unique IT platform with high added value functionalities. Thanks to its specific algorithms, it manages numerous modular services to optimise the management and collection of your waste.
This ergonomic, easy-to-use platform allows you to consult all data and information online, without having to install or update any software. Whether you are a municipality, a company or a collector, whether your containers are equipped with ecologistics or not, the WISE platform allows you to reduce your waste management costs and increase the efficiency of your administration.
The benefits of WISE
Reduces collection costs.
Eliminates premature emptying and prevents overflow.
Improve the quality of service and the satisfaction of your citizens.
Reduces the overall environmental impact of the waste supply chain.
Centralise the control of your waste management.
Simplifies the work of your administration.
Some ways to use WISE :
⇒ Manage containers (characteristics, maintenance status, cleaning, etc.)
⇒ Count the bags deposited and/or the openings and/or the weight deposited with or without billing.
⇒ Predict full containers and plan optimised tours using route calculation.
⇒ Manage users, accounts and facility access cards.
⇒ Charge waste by weight or volume depending on the taxation system chosen.
⇒ Analyse, model data, establish reliable statistics, send alerts and forecasts.
The WISE circuit
Do you have any questions ?
Please contact us by phone or email. We will be happy to advise you and find the best solution for you.
Mail: info@ecowaste.ch
Phone: +41 21 804 84 44
Other management tools
A team at your service
Ecowaste is first and foremost a team of complementary and supportive specialists at your service. With our consultants, engineers, technicians, production workshop, after-sales service and customer service, we accompany you from A to Z in the realisation of your projects related to intelligent waste management.
Suisse Romande, Tessin & Europe
Maximilian Schlaeppi
T +41 21 671 31 03
M +41 76 317 54 59
Suisse allemande & Liechtenstein
Marcel Satz
T +41 71 566 14 15
M +41 78 738 02 09
Jason Ottiger
T +41 21 804 84 44
Ahmed Mhadhbi
T +41 21 804 84 44